Inquiry/Application Form
Do you know of a teenage girl you would like to refer? Use the form below so we may provide more information about Under His Wings, or help you find other solutions. To get in touch for any other reason, please email us at or call 251.947-HOPE (4673).
Contact Information (person filling out form)

Eligibility and Qualification for Admission to Under His Wings
Under His Wings is a Level 1 residential home designed to provide a nurturing Christian environment for young ladies who have experienced difficult pasts. Our program focuses on healing, personal growth, and family restoration. To ensure the safety and well-being of all residents, as well as the effectiveness of our program, we have established the following specifications and qualifications for admission:
Age Range
– Girls between the ages of 13 and 18 years old in High School.
Behavioral and Emotional Stability
– The young lady must not exhibit active suicidal ideation or be at significant risk of suicide.
– No current runaway risk or history of frequent runaway behavior.
– Does not engage in active self-harm behaviors (e.g., cutting, burning, etc.).
– No severe or unmanaged food-related issues (e.g., eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia).
Commitment to Healing
– The young lady and her family must express a willingness to participate in the program, including therapeutic care, coaching, and family involvement.
Medical and Mental Health
– Any mental health diagnosis must be stable and manageable within a Level 1 home setting. The individual must not require acute psychiatric care or a higher level of therapeutic intervention.
Program Compatibility
– The young lady should demonstrate the potential to thrive in a structured, non-punitive environment focused on personal and relational growth.
– Ability to engage in daily activities, group settings, and individual sessions without significant disruption.

While we strive to serve as many young ladies as possible, Under His Wings is not equipped to meet the needs of individuals who:
– Require intensive medical or psychiatric supervision.
– Present a risk of harm to themselves or others.
– Have active eating disorders requiring specialized treatment.
– Are actively involved in behaviors such as frequent running away or significant aggression.
Admission Process
1) Initial Application
Families complete an application form, providing background information and
medical/mental health history.
2) Assessment
The prospective resident undergoes an interview and evaluation by our staff to
ensure the program is a suitable fit for her needs.
3) Approval
Admission is granted after careful review of all information to confirm that Under
His Wings can provide the necessary support and care. Additional paperwork will
be required.
4) Family Involvement
Families must agree to engage in therapeutic sessions and comply with program
guidelines to foster holistic healing and restoration.
In Their Words
“Helen” – granddaughter spent two years at UHW
“My granddaughter came to live with us when she was 7 after years of problems with her mother and stepfather. DHR had been involved. It was a nightmare – she didn’t trust anyone. Angry and totally lost.
I didn’t know what to do – and just felt why can’t I fix her? We spent years with therapists, psychiatrists, testing… I read every book. I knew we needed something special as we were reaching her teen years.
My prayer was for some direction – I told God I just couldn’t do it anymore. God answered us with Under His Wings. After two years there, she listens to us. I trust her and she trusts us. She’s confident and gives joy to others. It’s saved our relationship as a family – and I’m certain this program has saved her life. “
Kari Whatley/ Equine Therapist
“These girls go from hearing how you should be… to seeing it lived out in a Christ-centered environment. What I love is the peace you see growing in them week to week. “
“Courtney” – resident of UHW
“I love it here. For the first time in my life I feel safe.”
Sonja Blount /Counselor
“School counselors are on the front lines. Girls walk in our office for behavior issues – and we know they’re likely coming from abusive homes, with parents who may be addicted or violent. They’re lost and looking to belong and on the verge of making terrible choices. But counseling once a week isn’t enough. Under His Wings has become an incredible resource for us. This program becomes the surrogate family these girls are craving. And the faster we can intervene – the faster we can redirect a life. “

In Their Words
“Helen” – granddaughter spent two years at UHW
“My granddaughter came to live with us when she was 7 after years of problems with her mother and stepfather. DHR had been involved. It was a nightmare – she didn’t trust anyone. Angry and totally lost.
I didn’t know what to do – and just felt why can’t I fix her? We spent years with therapists, psychiatrists, testing… I read every book. I knew we needed something special as we were reaching her teen years.
My prayer was for some direction – I told God I just couldn’t do it anymore. God answered us with Under His Wings. After two years there, she listens to us. I trust her and she trusts us. She’s confident and gives joy to others. It’s saved our relationship as a family – and I’m certain this program has saved her life. “
Kari Whatley/ Equine Therapist
“These girls go from hearing how you should be… to seeing it lived out in a Christ-centered environment. What I love is the peace you see growing in them week to week. “
“Courtney” – resident of UHW
“I love it here. For the first time in my life I feel safe.”
Sonja Blount /Counselor
“School counselors are on the front lines. Girls walk in our office for behavior issues – and we know they’re likely coming from abusive homes, with parents who may be addicted or violent. They’re lost and looking to belong and on the verge of making terrible choices. But counseling once a week isn’t enough. Under His Wings has become an incredible resource for us. This program becomes the surrogate family these girls are craving. And the faster we can intervene – the faster we can redirect a life. “